Friday, April 24, 2020

24 Practice Extract Essay

The extract that I chose to write my essay on is 24. The theme of this extract is surrounded by espionage and terrorism. The talk of the president and bombs are mentioned throughout Jack and Nina’s talk. The theme is used to create suspense on who Nina is and why this bomb was set. It also creates suspense on what exactly does Nina know. It makes the audience wonder why the president’s signature was needed.
In the first few seconds of the extract, score is used. There is some suspenseful type of music that creates tension between Jack and Nina. This connects to the theme that I used because the mystery is about who Nina is and what does she know. It must be something vital. In the next few seconds, the zoom in camera movement was used. The camera zoomed in on an actual camera that was in the room. This sets the mood that Jack and Nina are being watched. It creates mystery because nobody knows why they are being watched. This zoom in shot connects to the theme I chose because it is obvious that Nina has done something wrong and Jack is trying to get information out of her. We do not know who Nina is, but we do know that she knows something since they are being monitored.
In the next part of the scene, diegetic sound is being heard from Jack’s footsteps. As he walks into the room, you can hear his feet patter against the floor. It creates suspense because he seems to be walking slowly, as if he wants to intimidate Nina. In the next part of the scene, a shot reverse shot is shown. In the scene, the camera transfers from point A, which would be Jack and Nina, to some people that are watching them on what looks like some type of television, back to Nina and Jack. This creates suspense as to why these two need to be watched. Who is Nina and why does she need to be watched and interrogated? This connects to the theme that I chose because we do not know who Nina is. It can be inferred that she knows something Jack doesn’t, but we don’t know yet.
In the next part of the scene, we see an eye line match. This eye line match shows Nina looking up at the clock and the camera shows the clock on the screen. The clock is ticking created the precedent on what is happening next. This eye line match ties into dialogue also because Nina says that she must get on a plane to go deactivate the bomb. This goes back to the clock and it shows that time is running out on the bomb. This connects to the theme that I chose because the talk of bombs usually means terrorism. Nina seems to be someone who knows a lot about this bomb, which means she may be in on it. She could be a spy which adds espionage to the meaning. In the next few seconds, more dialogue is shown. Nina is still talking about the person that knows how to deactivate the bomb. It connects to the theme that I chose because this shows that Nina is in on some type of terrorism, so she needs to be watched. Jack must get information on her because she obviously knows where the bomb is, and she most likely knows the person or group of people who activated the bomb.
Going to the next part of the scene, there is a reaction shot. In the scene, Jack flips the table over because Nina won’t tell him who it is that they are going to see, which is the person who knows about the bomb. This connects to the theme that I chose because it shows that Nina knows some information on this bomb, which means she could be a terrorist or knows who is. Dialogue was incorporated when Jack says that she will sell out anyone. This hints towards espionage. She may be a spy trying to get information on things. In the next few seconds, the film shows a close up. These close ups are the faces of Nina and Jack. It shows some type of dramatic tension because Jack is trying hard to get information out of Nina, but she won’t budge. This connects to the theme that I chose because this shows that Nina may be in on this terrorism because she is not telling Jack what he wants to know. We can infer that she could be working for some terrorist or spy group.
In the last paragraph, I will be talking about the mise en scene, or the genetic makeup of the extract. Location was used in this extract showing the interrogation room. An interrogation room is where people get questioned if they’ve done something. This creates suspense because it makes the audience wonder what is it that Nina did and why does Jack need information on it. It connects to the theme I chose because it creates a mystery on who Nina is. From the extract, we gathered that it has something to do with terrorism, as it mentions bombs and the president. Another part of mise en scene that the extract displays are the lighting. The lighting is very low and dim. This creates a mysterious and dark mood. It also creates tension between the two. This connects to the theme that I chose because Jack is trying to get information from Nina who seems to be tied in with terrorism acts.
To conclude, the theme that I chose was correct because of the terminology used throughout the film. A bomb was activated, and Nina knows where to go and who activated the bomb. This tells us that she is a part of the terrorism or knows a lot about it. The problem is that she won’t tell Jack who the person is when he is trying to get information out of her. This creates the espionage part because she could also be a spy in a terrorist organization.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Re:edit: We Finished !!

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Guess who's back? We were able to finish guys. I honestly can say I am happy how it turned out. From the commercial to this movie, my group and I made a pretty good team. Before we got the extension, we did not film the legal part of our movie. Our genre is legal drama so we had no choice to do it. My group members were picking at me because we were told that we could just upload what we have. However, I did not really care. It was better to finish it in my opinion. I am glad I was able to change their minds.

Funny thing about my film is we had to do a lot of improvising. Due to the pandemic, the park was closed. This meant that we could not film in the park. We improvised and filmed by the park but outside of it. It was kind of awkward because people were staring at us. We also did improvising in the "courtroom." This took place in my house. We had to set up the table and chairs to make it look like a courtroom. We even tried to make a judge's stand. Despite the troubles, I am glad how everything turned out.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Filming: Good News

Let's hear it, share some of your good news! | Facebook phot ...

Hey you all, I am back. Last time we left off on me not being able to film with my group. I am about to blow your minds. Its something that I did not expect, but I am very grateful for it. We got an extension! That's right, extension. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it. I got on the phone with my teammates right away and told them the news. I immediately told them that we have to finish. It is a blessing we got the extension in the first place.

After some disagreements here and there, they agreed to finish filming. I know you're probably wondering why they did not jump at it like I did. I know I sure was. With this coronavirus, things have been hectic. We have to be protected at all times and social distance. I am surprised that their parents even let them out the house. This Saturday, we are going to film. I really hope that the video comes out as planned. I do not want to waste this chance we have. I will be back to tell you all how it went.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Filming: Coronavirus...

Due to this pandemic, we will not be able to finish our film. Guidelines in the news say that we must not be outside. We must be social distancing. Our CCR is coming up soon. I'm a little stuck on how exactly it's going to be done, considering we did not finish our movie. I am sure we are not the only ones who did not finish. It is understandable with this pandemic going on. Parents are not allowing their children to just step out nowadays. There's nothing we can do to control it. All we can do is hope that it blows over.

The CCR questions however are a little broad. I think I will be able to still do it. I wonder if there's someone in my class who is not able to do it. I don't think that there is because we still have technology. All I know is, I have to figure out something. My teacher states that we have to do the CCR in the form of a talk show. I believe I can do that. I just want to be able to know what I'm talking about. My group and I have been working too hard for this pandemic to stop us. I hope we can figure something out.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Editing: Putting It Altogether

Unfortunately, we have nothing to put together at this time. I'm afraid that we won't even be able to finish filming our movie. This crisis with the corona virus has really ruined everything. Parents are trying to safeguard themselves and their children. All movement is supposed to be limited. Everything is just too hectic right now. I honestly don't know how we will get to do the CCR. The CCR is supposed to be a reflection on what we have done. However, if we did not finish, we won't be able to finish all of the questions. I really hope that this won't count against us.

Honestly, we knew about the coronavirus, but we did not know it would become this bad. We have to stay indoors at this point and away from people. We cannot film because we have to social distance according to the news. I'm scared to see how our grade will be affected due to this pandemic. Hopefully, our teachers and Cambridge will understand that we just can't finish this movie. We've worked hard and done the best we can. However, this corona virus beat us to the punch. I really do hope that we have an alternative to this because I was really excited to finish this movie. In this time of panic, there is really nothing we can do. We have tried our best but life happens.

Audiences and Institutions Practice Essay

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