I admit, we haven't been on our game as we should have been. It's no excuse why we haven't if we want to pass. However, with work and lack of communication, my group and I have not been successful in being able to film. Luckily, I have some good news. This saturday, we will be filming our park scene. The park scene is where the child getd kidnapped. We plan to use the establishing shot first of course, that being the park. Also, shots like extreme close ups and dialogue will be in our film. I really hope filming this goes well. Time is really winding down for us to film.
More insight for the film, we plan to use different people. Instead of only using us as the group members, we've added more people to our film. We will have a court scene also. This "court" scene will be done at my house. It's all about improvising right? Since this movie is only 2 minutes, it is hard to pick what will make sense for the scenes. I plan to do what minute per setting. This is just to split the drama evenly. My group members and I are planning an ending that will have the audience on the edges of their seats. I cannot wait to film this saturday.